Useful links and materials for La Ballona families

Before- and After-School Enrichment Classes

La Ballona Elementary School has a variety of afterschool enrichment programs sponsored by the PTA. These programs offer students the opportunity to learn new skills, practice a sport and more. Learn more >>

Cultural Calendar and Culturally Responsive Virtual Library

La Ballona’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee has created a cultural calendar, listing holidays and events that are celebrated by La Ballona families and families around the world. Many of these events are also posted to our online PTA calendar.

Each calendar features a virtual library (pictured at right) full of books you can check out from local libraries to learn about your culture and others.

Image of our virtual library showing the covers of books
Check out our virtual library!

Equal Access Resources for Families

The Equal Access Committee at La Ballona is active and made up of parents of children with IEPs, 504s and any parents who wish to advocate and learn more about our community. We meet the last Wednesday of the month via zoom and in person the last Friday of the month after drop off. For more information email

Culver City Unified School District also has resources for families available on their site.

As part of our monthly meetings, we invite representatives from local resources and service providers to share information and talk about how they help support our families. Below are links to some of these presentations.